Why our products are the best

To date, we have successfully completed over 200 projects including data-driven websites, e-commerce websites, content management systems, customer relationship management systems and other custom database-driven solutions


We help solve Your business problems.
We are FUN to work with


We are continually evolving using best practices and accepted standards


By default, all projects have free support for bugs and critical issues from development to deployment and beyond

Custom development

You have great idea for your web business, we will provide custom web solution for you, using latest web technologies

Wordpress customization

We speak Wordpress. If you need custom theme or some specific plugin, contact us

E-commerce development

You wish to extend your business on web, contact us with your ideas. We use WooCommerce, PrestaShop and Sylius to delivery top quality webshop

About Symmetria

Symmetria is a web solutions company with a diverse portfolio of digital companies. Here at Symmetria, we understand that having a great website or even a beautiful logo is just not enough. That is why we are focused on results with strong accent on pushing the limits of Your expectations.


Our latest development projects

Shopify KigoKasa integration

Shopify Croatian Fiscalization webhook endpoint for KigoKasa application. Webhook integrates with Shopify checkout process, and sends the API request with the order details to the KigoKasa service making Invoice/Offer with Croatian Fiscalization. For more information Read more…

QuadExpert WebShop

We deliver company website and webshop, fully responsive, for QuadExpert d.o.o. It includes webshop and repair service website, all connected to KigoKasa ERP. We used WordPress and WooCommerce with KigoKasa API plugin. More on https://www.quadexpert.hr

Get in Touch

Contact us with any questions

Find us at the office

Symmetria d.o.o.
Bolnička Cesta 34E
10000 Zagreb

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VAT Number: HR49942588956
IBAN: HR2724020061101154212
Članovi uprave: Dejan Potočić
Temeljni kapital 20.000,00 kn uplaćen u cijelosti Društvo je upisano u registar trgovačkog suda u Zagrebu, Zg Tt-12/14483-2

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